Shattered Hopes, By Moses Ayodele Orji

While winding up our family devotion Sunday morning, Jane,my wife drew my attention to a verse in the day's text.

 ln the Bible book of Romans chapter 15 verse24,Paul the Apostle writing to the Roman Christians assured them that, "Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, I will come to you".

So she wanted to know why Paul could not write any Epistle to The Spaniards as was his custom. Reflecting on the experience of what Paul went through took up my entire day.It also brought me face to face with the reality of dashed hopes.

One of the most agonizing riddles within our human experience is that few,if any, of us live to see our fondest hopes fulfilled. The dreams of our childhood, and most of our expectations as adults end up as unfinished symphonies.

Is there any of you reading me here
who has never faced the agony of blasted hopes or shattered dreams?
One of Paul's ardent hopes was to travel to Spain where he might proclaim the Christian gospel. On his return, he wished to have fellowship with the group in Rome.
His preparations now centred around this trip. The more he anticipated this privilege, the more his heart erupted with joy and the more he told those around him about this beautiful prospect.

But he never got to Spain. He is
 presumed to have died a martyr in Rome.Viewed from this prism one could say that Paul's life was a tragic story of shattered dreams.

Much of our daily experiences mirror similar circumstances. Sometimes our hopes and aspirations are curtailed by a strong wave of opposition from nowhere; the course of our lives altered by a senseless fatal accident; our educational pursuits halted by the incapacitation of our beneficent parents or guardians; and even our cultivated hope of living to see our grandchildren cut short by the onset of a mysterious illness.

In all,history runs through an irrational and unpredictable vein,and circumstances often decree that we live within certain confines that taunt our efforts and abilities. Unable to resolve the jigsaws of life, King Solomon penned down the Bible book of Ecclesiastis.

After struggling for years to achieve Independence for his people, Mahatma Ghandi witnessed a bloody religious war between the Moslems and the Hindus. The subsequent division of India and Pakistan shattered his heart desire to build a united nation. And he capped it all by paying the ultimate price.

President Woodrow Wilson of the United States died before realising his consuming vision: The League of Nations.
Charlie, my bosom friend did menial jobs and lived an ascetic life to pay his way through University education. But he died in a ghastly motor accident on our way to report for National Service.

George Wigwe was the personification of Ngwa political struggles. He was victimized and frustrated as an academic. But he, with many other forgotten heroes could not live to shake hands with the first Ngwaman to be governor

Shattered dreams are therefore a hallmark of our mortal life. We can only strive and learn how to live in a world where our rational hopes are not often satisfied.

Outside our faith,there is little we could do  when confronted with the obstacles that make the journey to our Spain a forlorn hope. But we need the strength of spirit to shield us in times of bewilderment or sudden misfortune. Our faith gives us the interior resources to bear the stress and tribulations of life.

Almost anything that happens to us may be woven into the all encompassing purpose of God.We are alive for a purpose. And only God knows tomorrow. This may partly account for why I tend to quarrel with those who claim to be dependent on God,yet resort to immoral and ungodly strategies to "assist" God in their quest for public office.There is no need for hypocrisy in matters of faith.

Besides, history is replete with men and women who in spite of their challenges or misfortunes still left indelible footprints.

We must therefore cultivate a grateful disposition towards God who has endowed us with certain inalienable gifts, and challenge ourselves to bear fruit with them.

We must have the courage and joy to be who we have come to become,devoid of any resentment towards God or any man.

We must not doubt the fact that there is a great benign power in the universe whose name is God,and that he is able. His power is never usurped. And that ALL things work together for good.
Finally, we must not lose our humanity and become bitter. HOPES

By Moses Ayodele Orji

While winding up our family devotion Sunday morning, Jane,my wife drew my attention to a verse in the day's text.

 ln the Bible book of Romans chapter 15 verse24,Paul the Apostle writing to the Roman Christians assured them that, "Whensoever I take my journey into Spain, I will come to you".

So she wanted to know why Paul could not write any Epistle to The Spaniards as was his custom. Reflecting on the experience of what Paul went through took up my entire day.It also brought me face to face with the reality of dashed hopes.

One of the most agonizing riddles within our human experience is that few,if any, of us live to see our fondest hopes fulfilled. The dreams of our childhood, and most of our expectations as adults end up as unfinished symphonies.

Is there any of you reading me here
who has never faced the agony of blasted hopes or shattered dreams?
One of Paul's ardent hopes was to travel to Spain where he might proclaim the Christian gospel. On his return, he wished to have fellowship with the group in Rome.
His preparations now centred around this trip. The more he anticipated this privilege, the more his heart erupted with joy and the more he told those around him about this beautiful prospect.

But he never got to Spain. He is
 presumed to have died a martyr in Rome.Viewed from this prism one could say that Paul's life was a tragic story of shattered dreams.

Much of our daily experiences mirror similar circumstances. Sometimes our hopes and aspirations are curtailed by a strong wave of opposition from nowhere; the course of our lives altered by a senseless fatal accident; our educational pursuits halted by the incapacitation of our beneficent parents or guardians; and even our cultivated hope of living to see our grandchildren cut short by the onset of a mysterious illness.

In all,history runs through an irrational and unpredictable vein,and circumstances often decree that we live within certain confines that taunt our efforts and abilities. Unable to resolve the jigsaws of life, King Solomon penned down the Bible book of Ecclesiastis.

After struggling for years to achieve Independence for his people, Mahatma Ghandi witnessed a bloody religious war between the Moslems and the Hindus. The subsequent division of India and Pakistan shattered his heart desire to build a united nation. And he capped it all by paying the ultimate price.

President Woodrow Wilson of the United States died before realising his consuming vision: The League of Nations.
Charlie, my bosom friend did menial jobs and lived an ascetic life to pay his way through University education. But he died in a ghastly motor accident on our way to report for National Service.

George Wigwe was the personification of Ngwa political struggles. He was victimized and frustrated as an academic. But he, with many other forgotten heroes could not live to shake hands with the first Ngwaman to be governor

Shattered dreams are therefore a hallmark of our mortal life. We can only strive and learn how to live in a world where our rational hopes are not often satisfied.

Outside our faith,there is little we could do  when confronted with the obstacles that make the journey to our Spain a forlorn hope. But we need the strength of spirit to shield us in times of bewilderment or sudden misfortune. Our faith gives us the interior resources to bear the stress and tribulations of life.

Almost anything that happens to us may be woven into the all encompassing purpose of God.We are alive for a purpose. And only God knows tomorrow. This may partly account for why I tend to quarrel with those who claim to be dependent on God,yet resort to immoral and ungodly strategies to "assist" God in their quest for public office.There is no need for hypocrisy in matters of faith.

Besides, history is replete with men and women who in spite of their challenges or misfortunes still left indelible footprints.

We must therefore cultivate a grateful disposition towards God who has endowed us with certain inalienable gifts, and challenge ourselves to bear fruit with them.

We must have the courage and joy to be who we have come to become,devoid of any resentment towards God or any man.

We must not doubt the fact that there is a great benign power in the universe whose name is God,and that he is able. His power is never usurped. And that ALL things work together for good.
Finally, we must not lose our humanity and become bitter.

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