Road to Atlanta in USA or Road from Obikabia to Umuene in Abia: A letter to @GovernorIkpeazu

By Ugochukwu Amaraizu Esq.

From 2015 till date, i have been widely criticized and attacked because of my unalloyed and tacit support for Governor Okezie Victor Ikpeazu, Ph.D. Many critics of Ikpeazu's government have called me all sorts of names ranging from sychphant, stooge, e-rat, peanut potcher, etc. I dont blame anybody because that is part of the game.

I have been lured to stop writing for Ikpeazu. What has Ikpeazu done for you? Havent you seen that Ikpeazu has failed? How many dry seasons are left in his 2nd tenure for him to build a good number of roads both in Obingwa and Abia State at large? Where will he get the money to clear alll the backlog of salaries and pension arrears in Abia? O boy! Better look for where to pitch your tent now against 2023.

Let me clear the air a bit. Has anybody seen me sitting with Governor Ikpeazu anywhere from 2015 till date? Has anybody seen me either in the Government House or Governor's Lodge in Aba discussing with the Governor? Have i ever taken any picture with Ikpeazu anywhere? Who will even allow you go close to the Governor?

Sometimes, it sounds crazy and hilarious to me when people say: Ugo, please, talk to the Governor or see how you can take me to the Governor. Who will talk to the Governor? Who will take you to the Governor? Has the man you are pleading with to talk or take you to the Governor seen the Governor to discuss with him? Onye obula noodi la shade ya woh....

Listen my dear brothers and sisters, i declared my support for Ikpeazu from DAY 1 and willingly decided to remain faithful with him. This government is our government. That is why i have been following it with passion. I am determined to succed with Ikpeazu. His success will be our success just as his failure ( which can never happen ) will be our failure.

Many of us have fallen by the way side. I have always encouraged us to remain optimistic. Lets just be hopeful that whatever is left to be achieved will definitely be achieved. I have not seen him. I have not discussed with him. But i am very hopeful that on or before the expiration of this second tenure, Dr Okezie Victor Ikpeazu will put smiles on the faces of many Abians. Those who are desparately praying for his failure will surely be disappointed. The story of civil servants and pensioners will surely change for good. This Governor must spring up good suprises. He is a good son of his father from a disciplined and responsible home. He is natively and academically intelligent. The true Ngwa blood runs in his veins. He will surely prove a lot of people wrong.

My beloved brothers and sisters, here is your well constructed Obikabia-Umuene road that cut across Obingwa and Isialangwa South in Abia. This is courtesy of Governor Okezie Ikpeazu, Ph.D.

Dee Okee as we fondly call you, this is the only channel that i normally use to reach you but many do not know until now that i have made it known to them. Thank you for this great achievement and remain blessed!

Please, please, anybody around you that advises you to owe workers in Abia a dime is your worst enemy. Whatever magic you will do to clear outstanding salaries of workers and pensioners, please, Dede, do it. That is the key to our success as far as your Administration from 2015-2023 is concerned. Ekwedila ekwe... egedila madu obula nti... if you want to get the hearts of Abians, just clear all the outstandings and see. Then, go ahead and sack the Heads of all those Parastatals that are compounding problems for the State Government. Do it Dede. Heavens will not fall when you do it.

The next thing is Obingwa and other Abia Roads. His Excellency Sir, i am also hopeful that you have plans for Obingwa. You dont need to be told. Just for emphasis, Dede, always remember Onicha Ngwa, Umuokpo, Owo-Elu, Ndiakata, Umuokereke Ngwa, Umuiroma, Oberete, Ohanze Agwo, Obete Ukwu, Abala, Ntighauzor, Okuenyi, Akpaa, Ovom, Umuezigbe, Ohanze, Owoahiafor, Umuobiakwa, Umuokatawom, etc...  what about Osaa, Osusu, Abayi, Ohuru, Ukpakiri la Ntigha, Ehere, Umuagu, Umuodukwu, etc? These places must feel the impact of your Administration by road constructions and maintenance. You know why? When next in this our life time will an Obingwa son govern our dear State? Jisike Dede la odighi easy inu!

Portharcourt Rd, Ohanku, Obohia and Ikot Ekpene Roads are very strategic and important.
The task ahead is big but we must start from somewhere to get to our destination.

Long Live Abia State!
Long live Dr Okezie Victor Ikpeazu!!

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